For more than forty years St. Michael’s College & Seminary was primarily commissioned to train Jamaican Priests. Since 1996, when the seminarians were transferred to the Regional Seminary of St. John Vianney and the Ugandan Martyrs in Trinidad, the main focus has shifted to the theological education and pastoral training of the laity. The significance of this present direction is certainly borne out in the Second Vatican Council’s emphasis on the vital importance of the laity’s role in the life and building up of the Church.
St. Michael’s remains steadfast in its commitment to facilitate the spread of the Gospel of Christ in accord with the Roman Catholic tradition through dedicated pursuit of Truth and Justice that informs right relationships and is realized in the ordering of society for the benefit and full flourishing of all.
We take this opportunity to extend a very warm welcome to our incoming students and the assurance of a special prayer for God’s continued blessings on them and on all those who are presently a part of the community of St Michael’s College & Seminary.
To be the centre of excellence for Catholic Christian education and spiritual formation in the Caribbean.
Inspired by faith in Jesus Christ as expressed in the Catholic tradition and committed to the spread of the Gospel, St. Michael’s College & Seminary promotes ecclesial and secular studies, research and reflection as well as spiritual formation at the service of the integration of faith and pastoral action in the ecumenical Jamaican/Caribbean context.